爱老婆的小男人 发表于 2014-1-25 02:21 只看TA 1楼 |
who can provide some english chat room i remember there is a board which is offering another forum named"cool website" in sis. it is pity to lost this board because the website offering occasionally contain virus .now if we can provide websites skin to cool websites ,but it is english chat room or software ,or bilingual (english and chinese)websites in this board,if can ,i believe many members like it ,and they a enthusist for this board.so this board will improve its popularity |
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作者的其他主题 |
who can provide some english chat room |
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forumdiv3r 发表于 2014-3-14 20:15 只看TA 2楼 |
Thats a good idea. Hopefully the moderator aware of this and we will have such board in near future. |
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